January 30, 200770's, Palitoy, Star Wars, ToltoysToltoys Death Star PlaysetStar Wars Month The Death Star playset Play-value. Great toy-makers have always known it’s the secret of a successful toy. In my […]
January 23, 200780's, Coins, POTF, Star Wars, ToltoysAustralian Star Wars POTF Coin OfferStar Wars Month The Australian POTF Coin Offer The transition from Return of Jedi carded figures to the Power of The Force […]
January 15, 200770's, Cardbacks, Star Wars, ToltoysStar Wars Toltoys Card BacksStar Wars Week* Cardbacks Update *Might actually be a couple of weeks. I love talking with people who are more knowledgeable than […]
January 14, 200770's, Board Games, Puzzles, Star Wars, ToltoysToltoys Board Games and PuzzlesStar Wars Week Part Three: Board Games & Puzzles Due to their relatively short production turnaround time, board games have always been […]
January 13, 200770's, Star Wars, ToltoysToltoys 12″ FiguresToltoys Week Part Two: 12 Inch Figures One of the shortest lived lines of the original Kenner Star Wars release was the […]
January 11, 200770's, Star Wars, ToltoysToltoys 12 and 20 Back Star WarsStar Wars Week on Toltoys.com! One of the “must do’s” when I started this blog was to eventually showcase a pic of […]
July 18, 200680's, Kenner, POTF, Star Wars, ToltoysToltoys Power of the Force figuresThe Little Aussie Battlers! It’s a pity when a great toy line goes out with a whimper and not a bang, but […]