And finally we have the Toltoys pages from the Toyworld 1975 Christmas Sale catalogue!
The 6 Million Dollar Man heralded the arrival of Kenner as a licensing force in toys, cemented a couple of years later by their securing of the Star Wars license. Toltoys would come to profit greatly by this relationship, coming under Kenner owners General Mills group of companies themselves around this time. The Bug Catcher is the only toy still produced today under the Toltoys brand, essentially unchanged from this 1975 model. Colourful Child Guidance branded toys were a multitude of plastic toy designs for younger kids, and included the wonderful railway system that everyone had, but whose name was remembered by no-one!
The Toltoys Jenny doll was based on the Kenner Dusty doll, and featured a Qantas hostess outfit, with other outfits sold separately. (Of course!) Jenny was modelled on real hostess Jenny Tregaskis, and the 1974 launch was held on a 747 Jumbo above Sydney Harbour during Toy Fair, with a video featuring Bert Newton as the pilot introducing Jenny the hostess and Jenny the doll to a captive audience of toy buyers. The launch was a huge success, as was the doll, outselling even Barbie in Australia that year.
The Puffing Billy train set is a new one to me, based as it though on one of Melbourne’s most famous tourist attractions, Puffing Billy. Toltoys produced most of the Play Doh sets of this era in their own livery (including the individual cans) I have a Fuzzy Pumper Barber set somewhere that I’ll add to this post when located. The less said about the dishwasher set the better I think!
Wrapping up the catalogue is great page of Tonka toys, my brother still has his “Mighty Dump”, trying but failing to destroy it over a childhood of sandpits and school yards. They really were “Tonka Tough”!
4 thoughts on “Toltoys in the 1975 Toyworld Catalogue”
I bought two toltoys trains sets for my boys in 1960-70. The station has broken down as have some of the trains through use and general plastic breakdown. Where can I buy more pieces. My grandson loves to play with it and I would like to replace the bits that have gone.
Hi Nelda,
Thanks for your question, for some reason the best place to find old Toltoys train sets is on “Trade Me”, New Zealand’s version of ebay. There are some up there right now:
Check with the seller if they post to Australia, most do.
Good luck and thanks for checking out my blog!
Do you know if there is a copy anywhere of the 1974 launch video featuring Bert Newton?
Hi AJ I’ve seen a screenshot of Bert in the captains hat but not the whole video, hopefully it is out there somewhere.