Welcome to Toltoys.com!

Hi All!

Welcome to Toltoys.com – The Australian Toy Connection.

The purpose of this blog is to showcase Australian released versions of the popular (and sometimes unpopular!) toys many of us enjoyed whilst growing up in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

So what can you expect to see? Well obviously with a blog called Toltoys.com you should expect lots of stories, reminiscing and pictures of the toys distributed by Toltoys in Australia from the 60’s to the 80’s.

Lines will include Kenner’s Star Wars, Six Million Dollar Man, Super Powers and Indiana Jones, Mego Corp’s World’s Greatest Super Heroes, Robin Hood, Wizard of Oz and others, Hasbro’s GI Joe and Mr Potato Head, Palitoy’s Action Man, as well as a few ring-ins from non-Toltoys distributors such as Kenbrite’s Playmobil, Mattel’s Hot Wheels and Battlestar Galactica and probably many more. Sometimes the Aussie stuff will be identical to the foreign items, but often there are those little variations that drive collector’s mad at night!

I’ve been collecting for many years so some stuff will be from own hoard, but I have a few mates similary afflicted with this bug so hopefully they will be kind enough to let me showcase some of their items too. I don’t profess to know it all by a long shot, I expect that we’ll all find out stuff and unearth items along the way.

Of course I reserve the right to wander off on whatever tangent takes my fancy too, so apologies in advance for that.

Anyway that’s about it for an opening, please feel free to post comments, questions, suggestions or just ramblings of your own as we go along.



PS – You can email me at Will(at)toltoys(dot)com

PPS – This site in not authorised, endorsed or associated with Toltoys Pty Ltd (Australia) in any way, “Toltoys.com” is used in the “iconic” sense of the great toy memories of our childhood.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to Toltoys.com!

  1. Hi there I have a toltoys walt disney characters bingo, cant find anything about it on the internet just wondering if you have any information on it? thankyou

  2. Hi. I am a toy soldier collector and have been trying to research the maker(s) of figures sold in Woolworths variety stores throughout the 1960’s. There were a series of eight World War two figures (copies of Herald of England) done in various outlandish colours, black, white, yellow, olive, blue, green, pink, red, dark brown, lighter brown. Some Western figures (copies of Herald & Lone Star) were sold in the same colours in Woolies stores. Though Woolworths sold the figures without the labelling I now have proof that they were all made by Toltoys. Some other figures from around the same time I also suspect were by Toltoys. Namely, pirates, zulus & hunters, WW2 figures with detachable weapons and helmets (all copies of MPC of USA), farm & zoo animals as well as copies of USA Ajax dinosaurs. All the Toltoys figures had a straight die mark dissecting the base. There were I am sure other maker’s figures sold in both Woolies & Coles in the 60’s one of which I am sure was Fethalite Industries. I hope you can shed further light on this. Regards, Les

  3. Hi
    Trying to work out if Toltoys made my Jungle Action Unit Walkie Talkie Set, they are as new with original backing carboard sales display, Would forwad pic but can’t see anywhere to load up pic etc. With thanks Ron.

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